All you need to know about your
healthy and unhealthy stool
What can I learn about my
health analyzing my stool?
  Shape and size - Stools that are unusually
thin or flat could indicate an obstruction of
your elimination pathway. If your stools are
consistently large and uncomfortable, you may
be lactose or casein intolerant. Lactose and
casein are both found in dairy products and can
cause problems with digestion in some people.
If your stool comes out in small pebbles or
short chunks, you may have a problem with
your liver or gall bladder. In some cases, small
stool pieces can indicate a lack of digestive
enzymes in your digestive track.
  Color - Some foods will dye your stools and
they will appear to be very light or very dark or
some color that shouldn't be normal, like
orange. If your stool's unusual color cannot be
explained by diet, you should see a doctor as
soon as possible.
  Consistency - If your stool liquids or runny, it
could be an indication of a bacterial or viral
infection in your digestive track. If your stool is
hard and solid it indicates constipation.
Sometimes your feces will be covered in grease
and fat, and will leave a film in the toilet. This
kind of stool can indicate a temporary, or
possibly permanent, inability to absorb
nutrients from your food. It can also be a sign
of pancreatitis or pancreas dysfunction.
  Smell - Extremely strong and foul smelling
stools indicate a problem with toxicity along
your digestive track. Sometimes foul smelling
stools can be a result of a poor diet, or it could
be the sign of an overgrowth of unhealthy
bacteria in your intestines. Foul smelling stool
often be accompanied by symptoms of either
diarrhea or constipation. If the symptoms
continue for more than a few days, you should
see a doctor right away.